
Ingredients and solutions for the food industry


Microorganisms and active ingredients for human health


Lactic acid bacteria for the agri-veterinary sector


A system of companies founded on research and development.

In 2016, the Sacco System business network formed by Caglificio Clerici spa, Sacco srl, Centro Sperimentale del Latte srl and Kemikalia SA. (now Sacco System Nordic) came to life and in 2021 became Sacco System Holding.

The Verga family, at the helm of the company for five generations, wants to look ahead, pushing further on group synergies so as to achieve structured and lasting growth at the international level in the coming years.
With this new corporate structure, it intends to face the challenge of development at the international level, placing itself on the market with even greater value not only at the economic and equity level but also in terms of brand and therefore business, thanks to a mentality that is increasingly open to innovation and growth.

Sacco System is a “microbial innovator”: we research, study, and develop microorganisms to make the lives of humans, animals, and plants better.

Lactic ferments, probiotics, enzymes and many other ingredients to promote well-being.

Sacco System’s People will continue to be instrumental in positioning itself profitably in the biotechnology market with an increasingly strong and recognized brand.

The history of Caglificio Clerici is primarily a family story, over 150 years of passion for research and technological innovation Made in Italy.
Founded in 1872 in Cadorago, Caglificio Clerici specializes in the production of rennet, coagulants, and other enzymes for the dairy industry.

Today, the company is dedicatedly led by the fourth and fifth generations of descendants of the founder Martino Clerici and is part of the Sacco System group.



Martino Clerici founded Caglificio Clerici, located in Cadorago, near Lake Como, 40 km from Milan. The company produced rennet in paste form on a small scale, extracting the enzyme from the stomachs of calves.


Francesco, the son of Martino, took over the business and expanded his father’s company by enriching the dairy range with the production of liquid rennet.


It is a turning point year, marked by innovation and growth. The Caglificio is managed by the third generation: Florinda Clerici and her husband Ermanno Verga introduce powdered rennet, which extends shelf life while preserving all the advantages of a natural product.


Caglificio Clerici begins exporting its products to America, later expanding its presence to other countries.


Caglificio Clerici acquires a significant share of the company Caglio Star, located in the province of Vicenza.


In addition to exporting its products throughout Europe, Clerici also spreads its experience, quality, and tradition in South America.


La qualità del Caglificio Clerici è certificata, ottiene in quest’anno il certificato ISO 9001. L’azienda acquisisce una quota maggioritaria della società Fabre, produttore italiano di caglio, rafforzando così la sua presenza sul mercato.


Two new acquisitions enrich the company and strengthen its international focus. In addition to the Italian company Graco, Clerici becomes part of the ownership of the Swedish company Kemikalia: the core business expands to include the production of vitamin supplements.


Since 2016, Caglificio Clerici spa has been part of the Sacco System group. Sacco System is the pole of excellence in the field of biotechnology applied in the food and health industries. System is the term chosen to express the interconnection of the different business realities (Caglificio Clerici, Sacco, Kemikalia – today Sacco System Nordic – and CSL) into an organic and functionally unified whole.
Sacco System communicates the concept of sharing aimed at virtuous growth: evolution as well as innovation.

Since 1934, Sacco has been an international reference point in the biotech sector, providing advanced solutions for research, scale-up, production, and packaging of selected microbial cultures from a collection of over 6,500 strains. Sacco cultures are used in various fields, from the food industry to plant and animal welfare.

The Labware division offers a wide range of products for laboratories, businesses, and research centers.

The Research & Development team, the heart of the company, is dedicated to the study and development of microbial cultures, with the goal of exploring and discovering new applications.



Vittorio Sacco founded the company that bears his name, marking the beginning of the continuous ascent of this biotech enterprise. Despite operating in a technologically advanced sector, the company retains the hallmark of a human-sized organization.


The Milan-based company is acquired by the Verga family of Cadorago. A new company is established in the province of Como, sharing decades of scientific and technological expertise.


Sacco expands the marketing of its products throughout Europe, helping to export Italian experience, quality, and tradition.


Sacco’s international presence is strengthened with the opening of the Sacco Brasil commercial branch in Brazil.

Clerici Sacco Portugal is founded.

Sacco’s commitment to quality throughout its entire business process is recognized with the prestigious ISO 9001 certification.


The company’s foreign branch in Poland is established with the founding of Sacco Polska. The company, a blend of Italian expertise and Polish dairy tradition, creates a synergy of products, knowledge, and skills from industry professionals.


To increase its territorial presence abroad, a representative office is opened in India.


Sacco acquires CSL, Centro Sperimentale del Latte. The acquisition of the first Italian company founded to study and demonstrate the importance of lactic acid bacteria in the human body gives the group a significant global leadership position.


Sacco Ltd. has been part of the Sacco System group since 2016. Sacco System is the pole of excellence in the field of biotechnology applied in the food and health industries. System is the term chosen to express the interconnection of the different business realities (Caglificio Clerici, Sacco, Kemikalia, CSL) into an organic and functionally unified whole. Sacco System communicates the concept of sharing aimed at virtuous growth: evolution as well as innovation.

The history of CSL – Centro Sperimentale del Latte began in 1948, when founder Leo Vesely started studying bacteria for human health and infant nutrition.

In addition to the development of probiotic solutions based on proprietary strains, CSL’s current offering includes the formulation of blends designed to meet the specific needs of customers and markets, as well as technological development services for probiotics, postbiotics, next-gen, and LBP’s (Live Biotherapeutics).

The vast collection of probiotic microbial strains, supported by clinical studies, is applied in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical solutions for gastrointestinal, oral, and skin health, as well as for women’s and children’s health, the immune system, in addition to supporting the treatment of allergies and enhancing sports performance.



Dr. Leo Vesely founded the Centro Sperimentale del Latte with the aim of scientifically demonstrating the importance of lactic ferments for the human body. Since then, CSL has pursued this philosophy, establishing a global leadership role in nutritional and health-related topics in both human and animal fields.


CSL starts the commercialization of its products in major global markets through a direct sales network and distributors present across the territory.


The agro-veterinary division is born, which, through the study and selection of specific lactic acid bacteria, enables the implementation of an effective method for obtaining healthier silage.


Given the high demand from the market, the need for a new facility arises; in this year, the Zelo Buon Persico (LO) plant is built, where the company (offices and production) is still located today.


The international expansion is consolidated with the opening first of a branch in France and then with CSL France, located in Claix.


It is the year of the opening and the start of operations at the production site in Pasturago (MI). The CSL microbial strains with functional and health properties are deposited in International Collections with IDA status.


The CSL agro-veterinary division is committed to ensuring profitability and healthiness in the productions of the first link in the agri-food chain leading to the consumer, while operating with the utmost respect for the environment.


Starting from this year, CSL’s know-how and products for the various divisions are present at the major industry trade fairs, in Europe and around the world.

Sacco srl, based in Cadorago, acquires CSL, Centro Sperimentale del Latte.

Since 2016, Centro Sperimentale del Latte srl has been an integral part of Sacco System, the pole of excellence in biotechnology applied in the food and health industries.
Four different business entities (Sacco, Clerici, Kemikalia – now Sacco System Nordic – and CSL) are interconnected in a single network active on the world market as an organic and functionally unified whole, which nevertheless maintains the characteristics of each individual business entity.
Sacco System communicates the concept of sharing aimed at virtuous growth: evolution as well as innovation.

Based in Tokyo, Sacco System Japan offers a wide range of innovative products and technical services for the promotion and sale of lactic ferments, cheese coagulants, and probiotics.

Based in Skurup (Sweden), Sacco System Nordic produces basic organic chemical products.


It is the year of the founding of Kemikalia.
The company’s headquarters are established in Skurup, Sweden.

Kemikalia implements a quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.


With the entry of Caglificio Clerici into Kemikalia, the company’s international focus is strengthened, positioning it to become the global reference player in the enzyme sector.


The commitment to the constant improvement of business performance is rewarded with the achievement of the ISO 9001:2008 certification.


Viene lanciato l’e-shop di Kemikalia, dove caseifici e singoli utenti interessati possono acquistare comodamente ingredienti e prodotti


Dal 2016 Kemikalia è parte di Sacco System, il polo di eccellenza internazionale del settore delle biotecnologie applicate nelle industrie alimentari e salutistiche.
La nuova denominazione aziendale simboleggia l’interconnessione delle diverse realtà aziendali (Caglificio Clerici, Sacco, Kemikalia – oggi Sacco System Nordic – e CSL) in un tutto organico e funzionalmente unitario. Sacco System comunica la volontà di condivisione tesa alla crescita virtuosa: l’evoluzione oltre all’innovazione


After 108 years of activity, Kemikalia will change its name to Sacco System Nordic, officially becoming a full-fledged subsidiary of Sacco System for the Nordic countries.

In 2024, Sacco System Australia was established in Brisbane. Our laboratories support companies in the development, validation of processes, and commercial production of probiotics, postbiotics, next-generation bacteria (from obligate aerobic bacteria to strict anaerobic strains), and live biotherapeutics for the dietary supplement, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical sectors.

Based in Echirolles, Sacco System France produces a variety of culture and enzyme solutions for dairy, meat, fish, other food products, and probiotics for the French market.

Based in Singapore, CSL Apac is dedicated to the market development of probiotics, postbiotics and next gen (newly identified probiotics through comparative genomics technologies) for the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors in the Asia-Pacific region.
Our services:
• Support for commercialization
• High-quality and well-documented probiotics
• Support for clinical trials
• Regulatory support
• Technical support

Headquartered in Franksville, Wisconsin, CSL USA produces and markets probiotics for nutritional and pharmaceutical applications in the U.S. market. It also provides fermentation services for Sacco System partners who own proprietary strains.

Synbiotec Laboratories, founded in 2005 as a spin-off of UNICAM – University of Camerino, is a leading company in probiotic research and development for applications in functional foods and nutraceuticals. Since 2021, it has been part of the Sacco System group. Thanks to its expertise in developing and applying live microorganisms, the company has implemented a series of research programs aimed at better understanding the properties, mechanisms, and effects of its probiotic line on human and animal health.
With over 30 years of research activity, Synbiotec can provide high-quality probiotics with documented health benefits.


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