
Ingredients and solutions for the food industry


Microorganisms and active ingredients for human health


Lactic acid bacteria for the agri-veterinary sector

Probiotics for Women’s Health

Probiotic bacteria (from the Greek pro-bios, “for life”) are also known as live lactic acid bacteria, and according to the official definition by FAO and WHO, “when administered in adequate amounts, they confer a health benefit to the host.”

Sacco System produces and distributes probiotic live cultures specially developed for women’s health, in particular for the treatment of problems associated with pregnancy and the post-partum period.

Sacco System probiotic live cultures for women’s health

The Sacco System range of probiotics includes both individual strains and complex mixtures of probiotic live cultures for women, clinically developed and capable of fully satisfying all the needs of the market.

Limosilactobacillus Reuteri LR 92

Consumption of this probiotic in the last month of pregnancy has been demonstrated to significantly reduce the incidence of infantile colic in the newborn child. By improving the health of the infant, LR 92 helps mothers to live more serenely during the initial months after pregnancy, reducing the stress associated with their child’s crying.

L. Rhamnosus CA 15

The consumption of the probiotic orally is able, after only 10 days of intervention, to reduce the severity and incidence of candidal and bacterial vaginitis, maintaining its effectiveness up to 30 days from the end of the administration. Furthermore CA15 promotes the balance of the vaginal microbiota by supporting the development of good bacteria at the expense of pathogenic ones.

L. plantarum LB931™

A vaginally isolated L. plantarum with a clinical human study on vaginal health through topical application. This strain lowered the average vaginal pH and inhibited group B streptococci. It also shows an in vitro reduction of Candida Albicans and inhibition of E. coli.


Synbio improves symptoms associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV) while reducing the chances of recurrence by restoring the balance of the vaginal microbiota.

B. coagulans SNZ 1969™

B. coagulans SNZ 1969™ Treatment in both oral and topical forms, this strain can reduce recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV) and is effective against nonspecific vaginitis.